College Day and Lunchtime Arrangements

Students are expected to be in College by 8.20 am so that they can arrive promptly to start their day.
If a student arrives after 8.30am, they must sign in at the office.



Students Arrive

 08.20 - 08.30 am

Lesson 1

 08.30 - 09.20 am

Lesson 2

 09.20 - 10.10 am

Break /Registration

10.25 - 10.45 am

Lesson 3

10.45 -11.35 pm

Lesson 4

11.35 - 12.25 pm 

Lunch A/B

12.05 - 13.05 pm / 13.15 - 13.55 pm

Lesson 5

12.25 - 13.15 pm

Lesson 6

13.05 - 13.55 pm

Lesson 7

13.55 - 14.45 pm

*Assemblies are held on the following days:






Year 11

Year 10

Year 9

Year 8

Year 7


Each year group has a designated area for sitting, eating and socialising at lunchtime. Some of these areas have additional seating and covered spaces. A team of midday supervisors patrol each area, supported by a member of Senior Leadership Team.


Students who are entitled to a free school meal should collect the appropriate form from reception or online. It is the responsibility of parents to claim for free school meals. The school does not deal with free school meal claims. You will therefore need to ensure that your application is made and your entitlement assured before the start of the school year. Late applications will mean that your daughter will not be able to receive a free school meal until the Local Authority have processed and authorised your claim.